Health Benefits of Organic Honey

Eco Bravo
4 min readMar 15, 2022

There is a highly essential and organic food that soothes the throat and helps to improve overall human health with medicinal and nutritional properties. Do you wonder what food we are talking about? It is honey; the superfood made from flower nectar and the beehive digestive tract that many industries now use as sweeteners for their products.

Honey is a food that has been enjoyed for centuries and is used by people for different purposes. Some people use it to improve their mental and physical health. At the same time, some others take it as medicine that cures or prevents their diseases. In today’s edition, we want to open your eyes to some amazing benefits of this special food coming straight from the hive.

Weight Management

This may sound too good to be true. However, it is not other than the doubtless fact. Experts discovered that honey helps to burn fat at the time when you’re in bed. Moreover, when taken in the morning, it heightens your energy level and improves metabolic activities, thereby burning excess fat from the body. You can take a teaspoonful when going to bed and before you eat in the morning. So, when you are thinking of a diet to help your weight loss journey, you want to consider honey and add it to your list. You can proceed to get yours from Eco bravo.

Immune Boosting

Immune strength is essential for the existence of man as it is the body’s defence against external attack. Honey is known to have antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics that help to defend the body against several health risks linked to the oxidation of free radicals and bacterial infection. Research has shown that honey has the ability to improve the immune system and cure many diseases that could be giving the immune system unnecessary work to do.

Skin and Face Nourishment

Have you always wanted a skin and face that glows like pure gold just extracted from its ore? Organic honey is absolutely the answer to your question. This is due to its ability to moisturize, nourish your skin and unclog skin pores. Furthermore, you can use it to eliminate cracks on the lips in the winter period of the season as well as correct skin tone by masking it on your face.

Improve Memory

Good mental health is one of the essentials of our life and organic honey can help us boost our memory health and wellbeing. Taking honey has been linked to a reduced level of metabolic stress, which keeps the brain in the right position. Honey also contains therapeutic and antioxidation power that helps to revive circulation around the brain and eliminate cells that are not supportive of human memory.

Cure for a Cough

It is nice to know that after your chest and throat are stressed due to your cough, you can get rid of it without needing to taste a bunch of bitter drugs. A combination of hot tea, lemon and honey are very effective in suppressing the severity of the cough and healing a sore throat. You can also take one spoon of honey every morning and night before bed. It works to get rid of a cough as effectively as some drugs.

Remedy for Dandruff

Honey is proven to be an important ingredient for human hair. It helps to cure dandruff which is a frustrating hair problem. It nourishes as well as dries, smooths, and softens your hair. You can add vegetable oil to two spoons of honey and apply the mixture to your hair for an excellent result. With accessible honey, you do not have to break your back before you send dandruff to the bay.

Healing Wounds

It might not be surprising to realize that honey has the ability to heal wounds. This is because it contains antioxidation antibacterial and fungal elimination properties. When you have a wound on your skin, bacteria can worsen the situation. But when you use honey, it’ll destroy those bacteria with its antibacterial properties.


Honey consists of natural monosaccharides that can easily be digested and converted to glucose that moves into the bloodstream for optimum energy. This means that it’s a good energy source, especially when you want to work out or perform some exercise. It also helps you to improve your mood and taste with its sweetness.

Sleep Improvement

Do you want to have a long night sleep with sound dreams? Taking honey with beverages is one efficient way you can improve your sleep. It has been used and confirmed by many people years before now. Fill a glass cup with hot milk and add one teaspoonful of organic honey. Taking this beverage will go a long way in improving your sleep.

In conclusion, not all honey has the health benefits listed above. Most of the honey you see in the supermarket has been pasteurized. It passes through high heat that will improve the colour, get rid of yeasts and extend the shelf life of the honey. During this process, some other essential nutrients are also lost to the air. So, it’s important that you select organic honey from the right source so that you will not be drinking more honey while getting a little result.

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